NEDA Best Practice Webinar Series

“The Case of Disappearing Main Street Retail”
April 5th, 2017
10:30-11:30 AM

Summary of webinar: The retail sector in many communities is at a perilous intersection. Has your community faced the challenge of the changing retail market? In this webinar we will explore the current and future implications of e-commerce, and more specifically we focus on small to medium size towns and cities that most acutely face these shifts. We will provide a set of strategies that community and economic leaders can adopt to help support the growth of retail. This webinar is based on a white paper compiled by Jim Damicis and Alex Tranmer of Camoin Associates and Hrishue Mahalaha of Innovation Economy Partners.

Participants will receive the following three “take-a-ways” from this webinar

  • An understanding of the retail industry today and trends that are transforming how consumers shop
  • Proactive strategies communities can take to assess their existing retail market and determine a course of action to support economic growth and community goals.
  • Specific examples of strategies and interventions that have been used in the Northeast and across the country to improve retail corridors

Program Moderator: 

Alex Tranmer,
Camoin Associates

Program Speakers: 

Hrishue Mahalaha,
Senior Partner,Innovation Economy Partners

Program Speakers: 

Jim Damicis,
Senior Vice President Camoin Associates

Webinar Cost:​

NEDA Profesional Members in Good Standing


NEDA State and Regional Partner Members


Non-NEDA Guests & NEDA Social Members


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